Aynho Writers' started as a writing group in 1997.
Aynho Writers’ meet in the Mary Cartwright Room of the village hall on the second Saturday of each month from 10.00am – 12.30pm. It costs £3 a meeting with an annual membership fee of £10. meetings are managed by three members, each of whom chairs the meetings for four months. Refreshment volunteers are chosen and listed at the beginning of the year, but subject to change as the year goes on. The writing is set by the current chair who gives two subjects from which a choice is made, although other work is also accepted, There is a limit of 700 words as we read around and discuss each writers’ contributions at the meetings. Occasionally we have a published writer to speak to us. several of our members have had work published. New members are welcome and are not charged for the first meeting as they may decide the group is not for them.
Contact Keith McClellan, 07512437291, keithcarolmac@gmail.com.