Just moved in? Start here!
To help you get you settled in and find your way around we’ve pulled together some of the key things you’ll need to know in your first few weeks as a new resident of Aynho. We hope the following contact and information are useful and through this web site you’ll start to find new friends and hobbies in the Apricot Village!
Below are some of the things you might need during your first few days in Aynho; important ‘stuff’ like the local doctor, where’s the ‘tip’ and where to get a ‘take-away’. Also, don’t forget to check out the pages on this web site for St Michael (the church) and village events where you can start to meet your neighbours!
Schools. Aynho does not have a school. At primary level there are choices but the children in the main go to Newbottle and Charlton CEVA Primary School or to Croughton All Saints C of E Primary School; both are very close and the former has a school bus going/coming each day to the centre of the village. At secondary level the children go by bus to either Magdalen College School in Brackley (a single academy trust) or to Chenderit School in Middleton Cheney. There are other schools in the area – one of which is Blessed George Napier Catholic School and Sixth Form Academy in Banbury. Private schools in the area are Carrdus School, Winchester House, Beachborough, Tudor Hall, Bloxham School and Stowe.
Aynho is well served with several excellent supermarkets all within a few miles of the village, including Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose in both Banbury and Brackley, and Aldi, Lidl and Morrisons in Banbury.
Convenience Shopping
The closest stores to Aynho are all excellent Co-Ops, located at Croughton, Kings Sutton and Deddington. each of them open early and close at 9.00pm. Further afield there’s a M&S Simply Food at Bicester (M40) services, which can be accessed without going onto the motorway and basic groceries at the 24-hour Esso petrol station at Baynards Green.
Post Office
The two closest Post Offices are located in Kings Sutton and as part of the Co-Op in Deddington. Each Tuesday Easington PO runs a ‘pop-up’ Post Office at Aynho’s Village Hall between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
The closest pharmacy is in Deddington. Otherwise it’s Banbury/Brackley with national brands (e.g. Boots, Lloyds and Sainsbury’s (Banbury)) and independents.
Retail Parks
The closest retail park is Banbury Cross retail park, click here for map. Currently Banbury Cross has Argos, Next Home, PC World & Currys, Maplins, Pets at Home, several discount stores and a large Tesco supermarket. Close-by are most of the major DIY sheds (Wickes, B&Q and Homebase). If your shopping is more fashion and clothing don’t forget the brands outlet village at Bicester
Garden Centres
There are two excellent garden centres within a few miles of Aynho; Cotefield Nurseries at Bodicote (5-miles) and Buckingham Garden Centre (11-miles).
Petrol Station
Baynards Green: The closest forecourt is at Baynards Green which is c5-miles from Aynho towards Bicester on the B4100. It’s an ESSO forecourt with basic groceries, alcohol and, usefully, a Costa Coffee franchise. Alternatively, there’s ESSO at Oxford Road, Banbury (c5.5 miles) although this doesn’t stock groceries or alcohol. (click links to forecourt page).
Sainsburys: The closest supermarket forecourt is at Sainsbury, Banbury circa 6.5 miles on Oxford Road, Banbury.
If you’re planning an evening at home with a take-away Just Eat suggests a good variety. Alternatively, there’s Chinese and Indian take-aways in Deddington which you’ll need to collect – or try Lucky House Chinese take-away in Kings Sutton who will deliver to Aynho (01295 810898) usually for free.
There’s two pubs in Aynho; Cartwright Hotel (in the village) but temporaily closed and the excellent Great Western Arms at Aynho Wharf. Further afield there is The Rose and Crown at Charlton, The Fox at Souldern and the The White Horse in King’s Sutton.
Newsagents deliveries are available from Smiths on 01295 268499 or email info@smithsnewsagents.co.uk
Milk deliveries are available from ‘Milk and More’ – click here.
Logs and Coal
Local companies or one man bands deliver logs and coal into the village – best to ask your neighbours who they use.
Aynho is lucky and has ‘Fibre To The Property’ (FTTP) from Gigaclear, which gives excellent connectivity from 50mb up to 1 GB (synchronous – same speed up and downloads). With Gigaclear telephone connectivity can use VOIP. The other provider is BT which requires an installed telephone line and provides average speeds of 5-6mb download.
Bins & Waste
‘Bin’ day for Aynho is Thursday with alternating fortnightly collection of blue (recycled) and green (garden) bins, and black (landfill) bins, collected the following week. Food waste ‘caddies’ are collected every week. If you’ve any questions regarding bins and collections, click here (WNC – West Northants Council). And for a copy of the latest collection calendar (bins by week), click here. Although times differ, collections are usually early morning on Thursday.
Local ‘Tip’
Inevitably after moving in you’ll have lots of packaging and other ‘stuff’ to dispose which is best taken to the ‘tip’. The closest centre to Aynho is at Ardley – c4-miles away. Open seven days-a-week from 8.00am to 5.00pm . For really excellent re-cycling go to the centre at Farthinghoe
Rail Travel
Aynho is fortunate in having several rail stations in close proximity on lines that cover most of the country. For travellers to London and Birmingham both Bicester North or Bicester Village and Banbury are mainline stations with on-site parking and regular timetable (especially am and pm commuter times). To London it’s about one-hour to Marylebone from Bicester North. From Milton Keynes there’s easy access to Birmingham, east Midlands and west coast. If convenience is more important, Kings Sutton’s rail station has regular services, albeit not as frequent as local mainline stations. Click on links for station details. Train times are available at National Rail Enquiries.
Bus Service
There is no bus service in Aynho but there are occasional bus trips advertised in the Newsletter through ABILITY (a community based bus service) which are good value and provide a caring service.
The following are some of the contacts you might need during your first few weeks in Aynho and until you become more familiar with things. And, if you think we’ve missed anything let us know – we’ll add and update the contacts below.
Deddington Surgery (& Practice Dispensary)
Website; www.deddingtonsurgery.co.uk
01869 338611
Kings Sutton Surgery
Website: Kings Sutton Surgery
01280 703460
Deddington Dental Practice
Website: www.deddingtondental.co.uk
01869 337377
Bloxham Dental Practice
Website: www.bloxhamdentalpractice.co.uk
01295 721030
Nearest Pharmacy – Medipill, Hudson Street, Deddington
Website: https://medipill.co.uk/deddington
Email: Info@medipill.co.uk
Phone: 01869 337583
West Northants Council – Waste Collection
Website: https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/bin-collection-services
West Northants Council – General Enquiries
Website: https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk
Northants Highways – FixMyStreet
Report Problems: Website: https://www.fixmystreet.com
St Michael’s Church: Revd. George Frost (Rector)
Email: rev@gfrost.name
01869 810903
St Michael’s Church
Andrew Bellamy (Warden): 01869 810847
Kathy White (Warden): 01869 810418
Aynho Parish Council: Clerk to the Council
Email: clerk@aynho-pc.gov.uk
01869 934164
Aynho Village Hall: Bookings Secretary
07878 430705
Aynho Village Management Committee
Email: info.aynho@gmail.com
The Cartwright Hotel
Closed Temporarily
Great Western Arms
Email: https://www.greatwesternarms.co.uk
01869 932200
Aynho Gardening Club: Annabel Bellamy
01869 810847
Aynho History Society: Helen Mackenzie
07866 044985
Aynho Ladies Group: Jill Wightman
Email: jayrw10@gmail.com
Well-Being Walks: Dawn Willis
Spencer Cars (Taxis) – Twyford
01295 230074