Are you fed up with poor or slow Broadband from BT?
Then you can now place an order for Gigaclear’s Ultrafast Fibre Broadband!
Gigaclear have approached the Parish Council with plans to install Ultrafast Fibre Broadband in the villages of Aynho & Croughton. Provided over 30% of residents in both the villages place an order for Gigaclear’s service ave registered Aynho could have the new service live by mid 2015!
To place an order please go to:
Their website contains more information on the service that Gigaclear provides. Some background information is also provided here. Please note that their service, if also used for telephone calls, is very comparable to BT’s superfast broadband prices – for what is a better product!
Gigaclear will also be visiting Aynho and giving a presentation with full details of their service on
Monday 24 November 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
You should note that the first 30% to order Gigaclear’s service will benefit from a free upgrade to the next service level for 12 months!
Gigaclear have already successfully installed their network in some 9 Oxfordshire villages. Representatives of from Aynho & Croughton have met with Gigaclear and it is clear they are committed to providing the service as soon as we place the necessary orders.