This was another week where we welcomed new walkers Lynda and Carolyn who joined us as a result of our reputation with other walks. So eighteen of us set off down Green Lane in the Autumn mist glad that so far the rain has held off and the lane and the freshly ploughed and planted fields are still dry. We crossed the stream at Lower Walton grounds and continued past the cottages taking the narrow path through to the fields beyond. The fields ahead did not have the paths restored but the farmer had left tractor wheel lines so the ground was not too rough. We passed through the copse towards the top of the ridge, and then the field beyond until nearly at the edge, when we took a sharp right turn and followed another path diagonally up the hill to the top of the ridge. From here we could see the sun almost bursting through the mist. We continued along the ridge to the old stone pits, avoided the bullocks in spite of their interest and emerged into Charlton village. From there we walked down through the village and took the path up to Rainsborough camp. We were soon back at the pavilion after the walk back along the Aynho ridge into Green Lane. It was then that the sun came out.