It was good to have two of our new walk leaders taking control of the walk today. The rain held off as we set off down Green Lane in a damp, misty atmosphere. The rape seed was taking over from the yellow flowers we noticed as we walked down the hill. The grass and cow parsley had grown tall and strong all the way down to Lower Walton Grounds and helped keep the track free of mud. We crossed the stream by the footbridge and followed the track round to the footpath off to the right up to the copse where there was plenty of sticky mud. here we met Sue, who had promised to join us but had been too late. She was welcomed and did the rest of the walk with us. We soon reached College Lane which led us into Kings Sutton Village. Across the green we entered the narrow path, made even more narrow by workmen replacing the fence. In the field as we approached the station we came across a small herd of cattle. They showed a passing interest but neither approached nor moved away. Across the bridge, we were at the station and climbed the path that took us through to the lane and out onto the Aynho Road. It was pleasing to view the church from the path across to the sewage works in the woods. We were soon back to Lower Walton Grounds viewing the recently shorn sheep clearly missing their coats today, unlike the horse by Dad’s Army hut who had his or her coat. We reached the pavilion, glad of the refreshments having covered 6 miles at 3.1 mph.