We set off through the village and down Station Road to Millers Lane in bright sunshine but a strong cold wind. At the ford the water was over the track, although very shallow, for the first time since last winter. All 14 walkers managed to cross it without too many problems and continued over the bridge and along the edge of the stream all the way to the railway bridge near the Great Western Arms. By now heavy cloud had come over us and as we entered the tow-path rain blew into our faces. By the time we reached Souldern Wharf it was heavier and seemed to cut into us. It soon stopped however, and as we crossed the motorway there was another glimpse of sunshine. Once in Souldern Village the sun was out again so we soon dried out. We crossed the fields to the Portway path and got back to the pavilion where Lee and his wife offered the usual delicious refreshments with their own lively style. 6.2 miles.