Much colder today with a strong cold wind and low cloud cover. Fifteen of us were there again for the walk and we set off down Parkway path and across to Upper Aynho Grounds. We saw both herds of deer resting a few yards apart in the Park House deer park The dark ones were all together, as were the ones with white and light brown coats. We climbed up to the B4100 at quite a pace but rested to ensure everyone managed to cross safely. There was not much activity on the way through Upper Aynho Grounds, only some grass cutting along side the entrance track. Down through the woods we walked and across into the Warren Farm section on the far side of the valley. Some muddy areas but generally much easier to avoid than in the past. We emerged into the meadow and followed it, free of livestock, on down to Mill Lane. We crossed the ford, passed along the back of the village and emerged into the churchyard. The snowdrops now completely over with no flowers left. Two large white horses watched us with some interest as we left the churchyard and crossed the field up to the school. Once up the lane by the school we crossed the fields to the road and then took the path through Camp Farm and Rainsborough Camp and along the ridge back to the pavilion. An enjoyable but bracing walk of 6.5 miles. Refreshments as usual.