It was good to get back after a week away and meet the walkers again; nineteen for the long walk today. We set off in warm sunshine down Green Lane and cut round the back of the farm buildings at Lower Walton Grounds crossing the footbridge while bandit (the dog) had a cooling wallow. We crossed the fields up to the copse on the ridge before descending to College Farm (Kings Sutton version). Emerging from College Lane into the centre of the village, we crossed the green and followed the paths between the houses through to the new housing estate and on to Kings Sutton Station. After the short, steep rise to a kissing gate there is a meadow full of grazing sheep and lovely views of Kings Sutton church and manor. As we emerge onto the road and enter the opposite field we pass through oil-seed r***, now well clear of the path and have further views of the church. Past the sewage works and back to Lower Walton Grounds we have to deviate as the road is closed for repair. Nevertheless we return to the intended route and eventually emerge onto the Charlton Road opposite Butts Close. Back at the pavilion there are no refreshments today, as the impasse over Anita’s role continues, as does the distress that such a well appreciated service is no longer available.