Fifteen of us again this week ready to go in the sunshine. We set off down Green Lane. We crossed the little stream and continued round past the cottages and through the rape fields up to the copse where even in this long dry spell there was the usual muddy area across the path. More rape seed as we headed down towards Kings Sutton. Cloud was now building up but it was still very warm. We climbed to the badgers setts on the crest of the ridge and then followed the path through yet more rape seed until we reached the old stone pits. From there we walked through rich long grass, lamenting the loss of the herd of long horn cows that once roamed here. Charlton Village was having major work on the power cables as we passed down through the village. We continued up through the fields to Rainsborough camp and then through yet more rape seed along the ridge and back to the pavilion, sadly lacking Anita’s tasty refreshments. Five and half miles.