Nineteen walkers and only three dogs joined the long walk today. We set out in warm sunshine aware of rain in the forecast. Through the Black Path, the Square and Station Road to Millers Lane. There were more white deer than we’d noticed before and they were beginning to mingle with the brown deer. There was some discussion as to whether they crossed the colour boundary to mate. No definitive answers forthcoming. Time will tell. The ford was completely dry so we walked across and up into Souldern before turning right and walking a short distance to the stile and path that curves round behind Souldern Manor. Three friendly horses wearing their coats greeted us. We continued over the fields to the far side of the village and took the track, amazingly dry, up to Nancy Bowles wood. We turned left, passed under a natural arch and faced the group of friends in the field ahead. two alpacas, a pony and a rather large sheep. They glanced up briefly and continued their grazing. The path continued with the animals behind a tall hedge through which a deer appeared and leapt over the wire and careered off down the road towards Fritwell. We emerged onto the road and turned back towards Souldern. It had now clouded over and was spitting rain in the wind. Back in the village the pond and willow tree looked very attractive with the fresh green foliage reflected in the water, at least that part not disturbed by Phil’s dog, Bandit, who can never resist water. We continued past the church towards the Portway path and were back at the pavilion in good time for refreshments. Five and half miles enjoyed by all.