With effect from Monday 20 April, Gigaclear will start the process leading to the connection of fibre optic cables to households in Aynho. The works will be undertaken on Gigaclear’s behalf by Prior Construction.
This will mean the digging of trenches in soft verges and taking up small sections of asphalt and concrete. They will also need to cross the main B4100 at 5 places. Gigaclear and their contractors will advise households when they plan to undertake the work in their street/road and request vehicles are not left parked on the verge or even beside the verge: equipment will, for example, have to progress along a pavement to drill a trench.
Please see the map (below) showing where the cables are to be laid to join the cabinet (see photo) and the ‘pot’ (see Photos – during and after installation) which will be installed at the boundary of every property in the village. (The exception will be Aynho Court which will use a ‘Wall Box’)
The village Gigaclear cabinet (see photo) will be located on Charlton Road near to the junction with Portway – therefore the first signs of activity will be in this area. They are also establishing a contractors site – this will be outside the village. Subject to the ground and weather conditions it is anticipated this work will be completed by July 2015.
Some points you may wish to note:
- Notice – All residents will receive a leaflet telling them when construction will take place – the village web site will also be updated with the plans.
- Gigaclear and their contractor will only be installing the fibre to the ‘pot’ at the property boundary. Details about the connection from the pot to the household will be in emails sent out by Gigaclear to those who have signed up for the service. (Essentially the work will either be carried out by Boxcom (http://www.boxcom.co.uk/gigaclear – please note Aynho is yet to be added to the booking process) or by yourself (if have chosen a self-install)
- Site for the ‘Pot’ – During the project the construction team will mark the intended location of the broadband ‘pot’ – if you would like the pot in a slightly different location you will have the opportunity to request a different location
- At the end of the construction the only visible signs of the construction will be the village cabinet on Charlton Road, the ‘pots’ outside each property and an inspection cover outside Friars Well, Roundtown – where the network will be connected to the ‘Vodafone’ backhaul and thus the main internet. (Guess you never knew it was so close and already in the village!)
- Reinstatement – During construction phase the contractors will temporarily fill in trenches – please note that they will do a full reinstatement and re-seeding etc before the project is complete.
- If you have any concerns please do email the Parish Clerk (sadie.patamia@aynho.org) or simply speak to the construction team working in the village.
It’s not too late to order your service from Gigaclear – for more information visit their website (www.gigaclear.com)
Download the installation map for Aynho:[prettyfilelist type=”pdf,xls,doc,zip,ppt,img,mp3″ filestoshow=”3088,” hidefilter=”true” hidesort=”true” hidesearch=”true” openinnew=”true” filesPerPage=”3″]

Example: Household connection points will look similar to water meters currently installed once finished
Images below show an example of the ‘pot’ installation that will be outside each house and the central cabinet installed by the playing fields on Charlton Road.