On the 11th Kate Toller is coming to talk to us about her garden at the Old Rectory, Sudborough. This is a wonderful example of a privately owned English garden including a walled Potager, designed by Rosemary Verey, a twisted Hazel Spring Garden, three deep borders around the main lawn, beautiful roses and trees. This talk is a great opportunity to learn about the garden which we will be visiting on Wednesday 10th June.
Jean Skuce, our Trip Organiser, will be taking names of those who want to go on the trip.
Meryl, who kindly organised the ‘Seed Swap’ last month, will be bringing the seeds again.
Any donations go to the Gardening Club.
If you were unable to come to the meeting last month, this is another opportunity to renew your membership; the annual subscription is £10.
For any queries, please get in touch with Annabel Bellamy (810847) or any of the Committee Members.