Time: 12.15pm – 1.30pm
Winter Lunch Club is a community-based lunch offering any villager a home-cooked meal at a very reasonable price in a warm, friendly atmosphere in the village hall most Thursdays October-end of March. All profit after costs, hall hire charge and ingredients is donated to support various village amenities (the village hall and the relining of the curtains in St Michael’s Church), along with a registered charity which villagers may have received support from or been involved with. My chosen charity this year is Katharine House Hospice (registered charity no: 297099). As many of you are aware, on Fridays Dementia Active runs a daytime activity project in the village hall for those suffering from dementia. Although not a registered charity, Dementia Active is a Community Interest Company (Registered No: 11973554) and I would like to make a small donation to them to support their invaluable work. My thanks to the Parish Council who are kindly including WLC under their public liability insurance and contributing to half the hall hire charge again this year.