On the 20th November is our AGM, which will be followed by a talk and demonstration from Lis Mann on “Woven Texture and Colour”. Woven textiles have a history dating back at least 10,000 years and across every culture sometimes using very little equipment and materials. Lis will introduce us to a simple peg loom on which amazing projects can be woven with little or no skill. She will show some samples of weaving and demonstrate how to use a peg loom. If you like you will then be able to have go yourself or just watch and enjoy the refreshments.
Coffee Mornings
November coffee mornings are on the 6th (for Aynho Ladies) and 13th for Aynho Ladies with the Men’s Coffee Club.
They are both at the Village Hall from 10.30am to 12noon. The cost is £3. You are welcome to join us; you do not need to be a member of either group.
Contact: Jill Wightman or email 811206 jayrw10@gmail.com